Os detalhes podem ser magníficos, corremos o risco de nos derretermos só
de os olharmos :)
As cores, as flores, as texturas fazem toda a diferença em cada casa, sim,
são estes que nos aproximam dos objectos banais, são eles que tornam a
nossa habitação, na nossa “cara”, na nossa imagem de marca e na nossa
são para mim “obrigatórios”!
Details can be magnificent, we run the risk of the melt just
of the look:)
The colors, the flowers, the textures make all the difference in every house, even
are we approaching these banal objects, have to make
our house in our "face" on our trademark and our
for me are "mandatory"!
of the look:)
The colors, the flowers, the textures make all the difference in every house, even
are we approaching these banal objects, have to make
our house in our "face" on our trademark and our
for me are "mandatory"!
Se retirar alguma imagem, nomeie o blog por favor
Love, Catarina
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